- Kosaken Mussen Reiten (Cossacks must ride) [German] [3:29] Same as on the Kosaken
müssen reiten
- Kalinka Malinka [Russian] [4:03] Also available on the Kalinka, Ses
Plus Grands Succes, Russische Seele & The Very Best of Ivan Rebroff CDs.
- Mein Rusland, du bist schon (My Russia, thou art beautiful) [German] [3:36]
Same as on the Mein Russland, due bist schön LP.
- Poljuschko-polje (Cossack patrol) [Russian] [2:44] Available on the My
Russian Homeland CD.
- Wolgalied (Volga song) [Russian] [3:48] Spanish trumpet version. Same as
on the Zauber
einer großen Stimme 20 LP.
- Odnoswutschno Gremit [Russian] [4:11] Available on the Kalinka
- Astrachan [German] [3:09] Same as on the Mein Russland, due bist schön
- Moskauer Nachte (Moscow Nights) [Russian] [2:40] Same as on the Folk
Songs From Old Russia and The
Best of Ivan Rebroff LPs.
- Hey, Andrjuschka (Hey Andruschka) [Russian] [2:28] Same as on the Memories
of Russia LP. Available on the Kalinka
- In Odessa [German] [2:12] Same as on the Kosaken
müssen reiten
- Dr. Schiwago (Dr. Zhivago - Somewhere my love) [Russian] [3:11] Same as Schiwago Melodie
on the Beim Klang der Balalaika & US Ivan Rebroff LPs.
Also available on the Russische Seele
- Mit der Troika in die grosse stadt [German] [2:49] Same as on the Kosaken müssen
reiten & The
Best of Ivan Rebroff LPs.
- Otschi tschornijje (Dark Eyes) [Russian] [4:05] Available on the My Russian
Homeland CD.
- Wenn Ich einmal reich war (If I were a rich man) [German] [4:53] Also available
on the The Very Best of Ivan Rebroff Volume II,
Musikalische Edelsteine & Russisches
Schatzkästlein CDs.
- Abendglocken (Evening chimes) [Russian] [3:42] Same as on the Russische
Weihnacht mit Ivan Rebroff LP.
- Wolgaschlepper (Song of the Volga Boatmen) [Russian] [3:02] Same as Lied der
Wolgaschlepper on the Folk Songs from Old Russia Volume II LP and The
Song of the Volga Boatmen on the U.S. Ivan Rebroff LP.
Disky Communications WMCD 5692
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