- Kalinka Malinka [Russian] [4:06] Same as on Simply The Best CD.
- Dew Gitari (Two Guitars) [Russian] [3:36] Guitar accomp version
- Ei, Uch-Njem (Song of the Volga Boatmen) [Russian] [2:32] Acapella
beginning. Also available on the Russiche Seele CD.
- Schilo Dvenazath (The Legend of the Twelve Robbers) [Russian] [4:43] Same
as on the Crowning of a Great Career CD.
- Wjetscherni Swon (Evening Chimes) [Russian] [6:43] Same as on the Crowning
of a Great Career CD.
- Hei Andrjuschka [Russian] [2:29] Same as on the Memories of Russia LP.
- Lara's Theme (Dr. Zhivago) [3:12] Same as on the US Ivan Rebroff
& Beim Klang der Balalaika LPs. Also available on the Simply
The Best CD.
- Ach Natascha [Russian] [2:22] Same as on Memories of Russia LP.
- Odnoswutschno Gremit [Russian] [4:13] Also available on the Simply The
Best CD.
- Mtschiza Trojka (Troika along the Volga) [Russian] [2:49]
Same as on the Memories of Russia LP.
- Suliko [Russian] [3:24] Also available on the Crowning of a Great Career CD.
- Poj Zyganka (Play Gypsy) [Russian] [3:47] Same as on the Memories of Russia
LP. Also available on The Very Best of Ivan Rebroff CD.
- Wnispo Matuschkje [Russian] [2:25] Same as on Entlang der Wolga on
the Crowning of a Great Career
- Satschem Nje Tebja Polubil (Reins Held Fast in the Hand) [Russian] [3:32]
Same as on the Memories of Russia LP.
- Bublitschki [Russian] [2:26] Same as on Beim Klang der Balalaika
& 25 Greatest Russian Melodies LPs.
- Ech Odessa [Russian] [2:14] Same as on the Memories of Russia LP.
- Pojedu, Wjedu Ja Wo Ljosotschek (Girls in the Field) [Russian] [3:07] Same
as on the Memories of Russia LP.
- Notschenjka (Lovely Night) [3:54] Same as Nochen'ka on the 25
Greatest Russian Melodies LP.
- Spischi Laschatka (Hurry, Hurry, Little Horse) [Russian] [3:56] Same as on
the Memories of Russia LP.
- Saitschem Ziwodna Strezil Wnow Tebja (Troika Along the Volga) [Russian]
[3:10] Same as on the Memories of Russia LP. Also available on The
Very Best of Ivan Rebroff CD.