- Moskauer Nächte [2:37] Russian
- Kutscher treib' die Pferde nicht [2:57] Russian *
- Eintönig hell klingt das Glöckchen [3:23] Russian
- Zigeunertanz (Gypsy Dance) [1:45] Instrumental *
- Entlang der Wolga [3:35] Russian
- Karobuschka [1:56] Russian *
- Stenka Rasin [3:10] Russian
- Katjuscha [1:49] Russian
- Fischfang (Fish Catch) [2:14] Instrumental
- Die Legende von den 12 Räubern [3:45] Russian
- Kalinka [2:54] Russian *
- Moldarian Suite [2:58] Russian *
CBS S 63 059
Columbia CL 2768
In the United States, this was released as Ivan Rebroff Sings Folk Songs
from Old Russia
- Moscow Nights
- Coachman, Don't Drive the Horses So
- The Little Bell
- Dance of the Gypsies [1:45] Instrumental
- Along the Volga
- Karobushka
- Stenka Rasin
- Katyusha
- Fish Catch [2:14] Instrumental
- The Legend of the Twelve Thieves
- Kalinka
- Moldarian Suite
Columbia Records CS 9568 (Stereo)
Columbia Record CL 2768 (Mono)
In Australia, this was released as Ivan Rebroff sings Traditional Melodies
from Old Russia
- Moscow Nights
- Driver Don't Speed Your Horses
- Clearly Sounds the Little Bell
- Gypsy Dance
- Along the Volga
- Karobushcka
- Stenka Rasin
- Katjushka
- The Fish Catch
- Legend of the 12 Robbers
- Kalinka
- The Golden Freedom
SBP 233452
In France, this record was released as Ivan Rebroff Chants Folkloriques de la
Vieille Russie
- Les Nuits de Moscou
- Cocher Ralentis tes Chevaux
- La Petite Cloche
- Danse des Tziganes
- Le Long de la Volga
- Karobushka
- Stenka Rasin
- Katyusha
- La Peche
- La Legende des Douze Brigands
- Kalinka
- Suite Moldarienne
CBS S 7 63059
Canadian version: CBS GS 20066
Second picture above is of a Japanese issue of this record.