Ivan Rebroff Fan PageThis web page is for all things Rebroff.Ivan Rebroff is a German singer with an unusual voice. His voice covers a range of 4 1/2 octaves. He is famous for singing Russian folk songs (his parents are Russian immigrants), but also sings opera, light classics and folk songs from many countries.Rebroff died February 28, 2008 of heart problems. His last concert was in Vienna in December 2007.Here's a sample of his low range (Im Tiefen Keller)Here's a sample of his high range (The Nightingale)Comments/Suggestions: send email to andyvan92117 at gmail dot comMany thanks to Carol S., Melissa B., Joop van H, & Vincent O. for the scans, records, tapes and info.Copyright 2002-2020 Andy Van Pelt |