1. Silent Night - Tihaya noch
  2. O Firtree - Ay, yolochka
  3. Little Sleighbell - Bubyentzy
  4. I Pray to the Power of Love - Kolj sloven
  5. Winter Romance - Simnijm Romance
  6. Evening Bells - Vechorny svon
  7. O Sanctissima - Ah tee radastonoye
  8. Every Year Little Jeses Returns - Koshdy god prihodyit
  9. Snow is Falling Softly - Tiho podoyet zneg
  10. Monotonously Rings the Little Bell - Odnozvichno gremit
  11. ussian Vespers - Molitva
  12. The Little Firtree - V iyezu stoyala yolochka
  13. Sweetly the Bells are Ringing - Zlodko zvenyat kolokoly
  14. Silent Night - Tihaya noch

This seems to be the same titles as on Russische Weihnacht mit Ivan Rebroff, though in a different order and with different phonetic transliterations.

Peters International PLD 2022